Smoothie Recipes
Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss

​​Do you have trouble losing weight? Can you lose the wight but have trouble maintain what you have achieved? I know that for myself and for many others who are trying to be healthier and shed a few pounds, that these both can be very difficult to do. One of the best ways I have found to not only lose wight, but to keep it off is to drink low calorie and high nutrition smoothies that are made from healthy fruits and vegetables.

​​Now you can make these smoothies a handful of different ways, either as mostly or pure fruit smoothies, green smoothies, which are fruit smoothies with added vegetables and greens, or as more well rounded meal replacement smoothies. Either way, all three should prove to be useful as catalysts for fat burning and weight loss, particularly if you do all three in combination throughout the day. 

Now I like to use a lot of berries in my weight loss smoothies because they are naturally very low in calories, low in sugar, and very high in fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients and minerals. You can also get a lot more fruit for your dollar due to there small size. The smoothie recipe I have below is one that consists primarily of berries, and I have found it to be really effective for losing and maintaining weight while also feeling satisfied and full​​. So let's get to it!

Berry Good Weight Loss Smoothie​​

2 cups filtered water
1 cup raspberries
1 cup blackberries
1 cup frozen wild blueberries​​​​​​​
1/2 cup non fat Greek yogurt​
1 tsp organic Stevia for a safe and natural 0 calorie sweetener

  1. out the filtered water into your blender
  2. scoop in your Greek yogurt​​
  3. toss in your fresh raspberries and blackberries
  4. put in your frozen blueberries
  5. finally add you Stevia
  6. blend until desire consistency is achieved 
  7. Drink Up!